Crook in a sentence as a noun

The hype has pushed them into getting it NOW, by hook or crook.

Get the least essential ones out of your life, by hook or by crook.

None of them are flattering at all, and most of them are at the scumbag/crook level.

Streaming or not, my advice is to find your way there by hook or by crook and attend in person.

This is where he crosses the ******* line over to scumbag and crook territory.

Talking to them might help them catch a crook, but the payoff there is nothing compared to the **** it might get you into.

A few years later I ran across an endowed chair at Stanford in the name of the chief crook and funded by Cisco.

Crook in a sentence as a verb

Why would anyone hire a shitty crook to do counter-intel against a job they failed at previously?

Basically, Milner is a crook, and if there was any justice in the world he and Usmanov would be in jail for what they have done.

" So the US Government wants to be able to subpoena your customer list to track the money from the drug dealers to you and then back to the crooks.

When "EJ" doesn't recount absolutely every fact that isn't completely favorable to her cause of action, that doesn't make her a crook.

He e-mailed colleagues: "The fundamental problem is: how do you negotiate an equitable agreement with crooks?

As just one example, in 2006 a Florida woman won an $11 million verdict against a Louisiana woman who had called her a crook, a con artist, and a fraud in an on-line forum [1].

Crook definitions


someone who has committed a crime or has been legally convicted of a crime

See also: criminal felon outlaw malefactor


a circular segment of a curve; "a bend in the road"; "a crook in the path"

See also: bend twist turn


a long staff with one end being hook shaped


bend or cause to bend; "He crooked his index finger"; "the road curved sharply"

See also: curve