Recount in a sentence as a noun

Later, during a recount, they can see who indeed voted, but not who they voted for.

Ask the person to recount their version of events.>> Oh so you went out with the girls at 7pm, then what happened...?2.

That is because in his legal case Gore chose the wrong Florida counties where to request a recount.

I could recount the counter arguments but without the Google 'context' they wouldn't make a lot of sense to people on HN.

When "EJ" doesn't recount absolutely every fact that isn't completely favorable to her cause of action, that doesn't make her a crook.

Recount in a sentence as a verb

Unless you think Jimmy Carter and hundreds of other organizations controlling the vote AND the recount are part of a communist plot.

Ill just quickly recount one experience that perfectly illustrates my overall experience with you.

Someone else should step up and give a comprehensive overview, because I can only recount the timeline from memory, not provide sources.

As an iOS developer considering moving to Android I found the recount of your Android experience interesting.

My memories are truncated about halfway through act one, and the next thing I honestly remember is waking up to the stench of my own vomit covered bed in my dorm room, but such an adventure it was for my roommates, and such a bardic tale it was for them to recount, over and over again, ad nauseum, that now, I too, can recite the tale, moment by moment from when I blacked out until I woke up.

Recount definitions


an additional (usually a second) count; especially of the votes in a close election


narrate or give a detailed account of; "Tell what happened"; "The father told a story to his child"

See also: tell narrate recite


count again; "We had to recount all the votes after an accusation of fraud was made"