Angina in a sentence as a noun

I used to get a mild chest pain and would turn that into angina.

If it's unpredictable pain and not relieved by rest, it could be unstable angina and much more serious.

Viagra wasn't created for the purpose of treating ED, it was originally meant as a treatment for high blood pressure and angina[1].

Sildenafil was invented for angina, for which it was ineffective.

Again I point out sildenafil, which was synthesized for use in hypertension and angina pectoris.

" The DDX might include angina despite the computer being unlikely to know about a fan's emotions or environment of a football game.

Viagra may make a nice whipping-boy for your tirades, but you do know that it was developed when stage 2 testing for an angina drug revealed its more popular side-effect, right?

Prolonged exposure to 1,1-difluoroethane has been linked in humans to the development of coronary disease and angina.

Phase I clinical trials under the direction of Ian Osterloh suggested that the drug had little effect on angina, but that it could induce marked penile erections.

My favorite accidental discovery:"It was initially studied for use in hypertension and angina pectoris.

However, we excluded participants with a history of cancer, heart disease, or stroke at baseline, and we suspended further updating of all dietary variables when participants reported a diagnosis of stroke, heart disease, angina, or cancer.

Angina definitions


any disease of the throat or fauces marked by spasmodic attacks of intense suffocative pain


a heart condition marked by paroxysms of chest pain due to reduced oxygen to the heart