Crevice in a sentence as a noun

That's not enough to anchor someone if they fall through an ice crevice or something, need at least three for that.

Ouch - we are as secure as our vendors make us. Solar Winds is the software sweet installed in every crevice to make sure things are running - so that's not good.

I found it in a dank crevice next to a bewildered field-mouse, whilst searching forlornly for my missing marbles.

In fact, I would be surprised that an omnipotent being would be "hiding in a crevice, just waiting to be found" by humans.

You make a fine point about partisan hostility leaking into every crack and crevice these days.

The defaults are representative of the userbase of the site, and their values seep into every crevice.

This mattress has crevices all over it, so would seem to present a severe risk of suffocation to infants.---edit: crevasse -> crevice

If this were true, it would follow that life is as pervasive as the cosmic background radiation and we should expect to find it in every crevice.

If you have nails, you can take off the tape with it, but I bite my nails, so I had to use my keys, and it's easier to do it with cut tape along a crevice anyway.

Where they have a longer battery life it usually is because they filled every crevice with battery, as with the new Retina Macbook Pro.

Imagine stretching out and finding something.. unmentionable .. hidden away in a crevice, urlgh!

So, to the selfish person coughDigitalSea cough, healthy human happiness is totally worth looking for in any crevice one can look, even on the internet.

I find the innovation that competition spurs to be beautiful, even if that innovation is "just" squeezing performance out of every crevice you can find.

As it happens, I just found, hidden in a crevice of my desk, a somewhat yellowed half-sized fragment of a page, which, telling from the letters, could well have originated from Kafkas very own typewriter.

Have you looked into whether it is dangerous to have a newborn infant sleeping on this matress?A cot/bed with a poor fitting mattress can cause death by the infant rolling into a gap/crevice and suffocating.

Work tables, counters, and other surfaces will be made of a food-grade stainless while simultaneously having a giant crevice that can't be properly accessed without a pressure washer and which has the moldy gunk cleaned out of it...never.

Crevice definitions


a long narrow depression in a surface

See also: cranny crack fissure chap


a long narrow opening

See also: crack cleft fissure scissure