Craziness in a sentence as a noun

So if you lost 19% of your position in that short period of craziness, tough luck.

Their craziness is the craziness of the idle everywhere.

For example, Groupon recently dropped all firearms-related deals on the wave of the craziness that is going on.

Think of LT as something more akin to an editor in spirit - you won't see watch windows and all the craziness you often see in "big" IDE's.

The level of craziness starts off low then climbs in step as you effectively prove at each step that you are credulous enough to swallow the next stage up.

If these companies learn everything about everyone, what happens if what they discover is that most people have their own little problems and health issues and craziness?

All the craziness will be in a background process that syncs the client and server stores, which will still have to cause weird behavior as reality demands it, but at least the logic is contained.

The craziness of "he set of the detection machine but it's clearly a false-positive, but now that he's on our radar let's grill him in case he just happens to be a terrorist" should be obvious to anyone.

This kind of stuff will go on, all the way down the slippery ***** of craziness, until Congress acts and does the only logical thing - ban software/methodology/business process patents in their entirety.

Ironically, the political will for imposing that bureaucratic craziness is almost wholly a reaction to the total inefficacy of the system at the lower end of the scale.

Isn't the craziness well known abroad?In most of the world people who want to be tourists in the USA dread the extensive and humiliating application interview, questionnaire, and documentation process just to get a visa.

This is so freaking obvious I'm starting to veer into conspiracy theories territory failing to explain this craziness: they'll start suspecting "mongolians and puerto-ricans" as factors before they'll notice this enormous elephant in the room.

Craziness definitions


informal terms for insanity

See also: daftness flakiness


the quality of being rash and foolish; "trying to drive through a blizzard is the height of folly"; "adjusting to an insane society is total foolishness"

See also: folly foolishness madness


foolish or senseless behavior

See also: folly foolery tomfoolery lunacy indulgence