Constrict in a sentence as a verb

All those good old days people constricted supply and then got pissed when the demand hiked prices and they could no longer afford it. You see this all over.

Because common lisp is so old, we have a long history and traditions that guide future design, but don't constrict it.

Does one presume there is a "pink gene"?Pink is an artificial societal constrict of recent invention.

Cool towns try to constrict supply through regulation to stop people from moving to their town, but ultimately just end up making their towns more expensive.

We agree that for now Bitcoins constrict us to a relatively small community - which is why we will be supporting credit cards in the near future!

That means they'll constrict environmental destruction to 1 building per level to preserve screenshot fidelity.

You're not going to deliver votes efficiently even if you constrict the entire country to the size of a state like New York, because transportation was human/animal powered at the time.

If you believe that self-expression is allowed in software development then I see no reason to constrict the entire space of gem names to those allowed in the author's conception of the professional realm.

\nContemporary monetary policy allows us to constrict money supply and adjust interest rates to prevent price collapses.

Brute force is a totally ridiculous proposition given the length of the secret involved [2], though, so you're banking on people preserving language structure to aid in memorization to constrict your search space.

Here's how I'd do it: Don't let the variable be the stock itself because otherwise your search space will be too big... limit the number of stocks you can optimise on and constrict it to variables like "moving average duration".

In the case of banks, there are automatic sanctions that go into place upon a criminal conviction that would constrict the ability of the bank to access capital markets, and thus could conceivably lead to rapid collapse.

The agency noted the potential risks, however, if broadband providers invest too much in specialized last-mile services but "constrict or fail to continue expanding network capacity" for the public Internet.\nComcast could see value forming a partnership with Apple to add and retain customers.

Constrict definitions


squeeze or press together; "she compressed her lips"; "the spasm contracted the muscle"

See also: compress squeeze compact contract press


become tight or as if tight; "Her throat constricted"

See also: constringe narrow