Confabulate in a sentence as a verb

" Many people will confabulate and say, "I felt like it" or "you asked me to".

This reminds me of an anecdote I heard, or maybe read, or confabulated.

"I don't know" is a toxic phrase for leaders to utter, so they prevaricate and confabulate.

By the time it's effective, you're dealing with someone who is pretty much going to confabulate whatever you want to hear.

Faith requires that you confabulate to a reach a certain cognitive destination.

Though humans do often confabulate, they can also say, "I don't know", "what is that", "wait a minute", "there's something fishy about this", "huh?".

There's evidence that we may actively confabulate stories to explain what we're doing, even if we don't actually know.

So this kind of thing would fit right in. I don't think this would lead to the kind of scientific revolution you are thinking of, given the tendency of gpt to confabulate things instead of basing itself on facts.

It will even be able to train ML to confabulate realistic sentences in the sense of echolalia.

The article confabulates that Silicon Valley culture is "bro culture" and the errors multiply from there.

GPT3 isn’t generally able to cite sources and tends to confabulate realistic but incorrect answers to questions.

It is very common to confabulate equal outcome with equal opportunity.

It's also that people's ability to really know what makes them do things is limited and the mind tends to confabulate reasons that have nothing to do with the 'real' reasons for doing an action...

For all we know, this is how everyone actually solves problems all the time, the difference being that when most people are asked how they solved a problem they confabulate something after the fact.

That's the increasingly lame excuse nuclear fans confabulate to deal with the cognitive dissonance of their precious technology not actually living up to their fantasies about it.

The whole human process of seeing is very different from the way, say, a NN is trained on an image: the whole thing isn't gulped in at once, but we foveate on various parts of the image and assemble / confabulate a whole.

"Split-brain patients may sometimes confabulate a rational account of their behavior, if the true motivations cannot be reported since they may depend on processing in the linguistically inaccessible right side of the brain.

Human memory is fallible, conflatable, and we often confabulate unconsciously.

" that's a good thing, and based on my understanding of what science is and how it works I predict that over the next few decades the "digital humanities" will make a lot of traditional beliefs look untenably foolish, and there will be a general shift of the field toward Bayesian methods that will alienate and annoy a great many people whose freedom to confabulate will be greatly curtailed.

Confabulate definitions


unconsciously replace fact with fantasy in one's memory


talk socially without exchanging too much information; "the men were sitting in the cafe and shooting the breeze"


have a conference in order to talk something over; "We conferred about a plan of action"

See also: confer confab consult