Condescension in a sentence as a noun

> but this breathless "for the sake of the world don't ever use PayPal"You know, I've been working on my condescension.

Obtvse removes the two worst features of Svbtle: exclusivity and condescension.

Most of them view the West - especially America - with condescension and contempt.

Call his condescension vile, and his poorly-thought out conclusions laughable.

The tone of condescension that comes from professional economists is telling.

Why do all articles about how wonderful vi is end with condescension?Anyway: vi -> fast editing.

Are your employees actually any good?The whole exchange stank of condescension and patronization.

I've never understood this condescension and self-righteousness towards those who complain about a service yet still use the service.

That would be a shame; under the thick layer of condescension I think you actually have some valid arguments, although it's a little difficult to tell for sure.

It's also unfortunate that you feel the need to manipulate others through condescension in order to feel superior.

The guy/gal was pretty clearly doing the best he/she could, and the responses from the security conscious user could have conveyed the same message with a lot less condescension.

Silently accepts Stallman's years of nasty comments, cynical attitudes, world-wide conspiracy theories and downright condescension all through.

I pointed out that Yehuda's Bundler gem has an automated condescension feature; if you try to use it without saying 'source :rubygems,' it heckles you and mockingly asks you 'did you mean to say source :rubygems?

Condescension definitions


the trait of displaying arrogance by patronizing those considered inferior

See also: superciliousness disdainfulness


a communication that indicates lack of respect by patronizing the recipient

See also: disdain patronage


affability to your inferiors and temporary disregard for differences of position or rank; "the queen's condescension was intended to make us feel comfortable"

See also: condescendingness