Cynical in a sentence as an adjective

Here, though, it is hard to believe that Google would be that cynical.

The cynical among us might term this a "lifestyle business" and they'd be right.

Here is a new CEO that appears to be looking to change things for the positive, yet everyone wants to be cynical and doubting.

It's because they are genuinely more cynical miserable people.

But at the very least you're already cynical about those things and demand to get paid well enough in risk-adjusted terms.

This sort of conduct usually evidences a cynical power play by a major company along "might makes right" grounds.

At the risk of being too cynical, I suspect that they're open sourcing it because their analytics indicated an adoption rate that wouldn't justify active development.

He was far enough from mainstream to be familiar, and even sympathetic to the 60s counterculture, but also cynical enough to embrace technology, rather than revolution, as a way forward.

Cynical definitions


believing the worst of human nature and motives; having a sneering disbelief in e.g. selflessness of others

See also: misanthropic misanthropical