Condense in a sentence as a verb

I loved the suggestion They should condense it to the "W8" or "wait" UI. I wish I had thought of that!

They try to condense it into 4 steps, but... well, let's break this down.- Need 10k enrollees.

You don't need the oils to dissolve in water, only to condense out of the air into the water.

I'll try to condense it as much as possible, and add the caveat that our process is imperfect:1.

The steam goes through a cooling compressor that creates moisture which is then condensed and collected.

Screen real estate is as valuable as private islands, there's no reason to waste an inch at the top of the screen, when you can condense it to half an inch, and get the same functionality.

Basically, condense all your notes [formulas only, or concise examples] into a single page front [maybe back] and then read the page--over and over until the class starts.

A book manages to condense the design of a computer -- from gate-level to operating system -- in a 300 page tutorial and you do not like the fact that it glosses over some details?

It's a bit wordy, so I'll condense it as much as I can in the context of your reply.> My wife is a corporate lawyer and gets a lot of flak for working long hours, especially from family.

Idea 2 makes no sense, projects have too many symbols for them to be meaningfully encoded in rememberable icons, plus I don't really see how it would condense information.

I can move things around liberally, break them into multiple modules, condense them into fewer functions and even change the types, knowing that any mistakes I make will be caught by the type system.

Maybe they tried to summarize the source without understanding it?You could either cool the air to condense the water, or compress the air, which heats it temporarily, then you cool it back down and collect the water.

The real story is their ability to condense the page down to just the essentials which was achieved by concentrating the decision power to a small, capable team, as opposed to a committee of stakeholders.

Explaining your thought process to a coworker after you've written the code is ex post facto rationalization -- you are invariably leaving out many side-tracks, many missteps, and get to condense down a long process into a simple, seemingly obvious explanation.

Condense definitions


undergo condensation; change from a gaseous to a liquid state and fall in drops; "water condenses"; "The acid distills at a specific temperature"

See also: distill distil


make more concise; "condense the contents of a book into a summary"

See also: digest concentrate


remove water from; "condense the milk"


cause a gas or vapor to change into a liquid; "The cold air condensed the steam"


become more compact or concentrated; "Her feelings condensed"


develop due to condensation; "All our planets condensed out of the same material"


compress or concentrate; "Congress condensed the three-year plan into a six-month plan"

See also: concentrate contract