Distill in a sentence as a verb

It's a PCA - distill a bunch of data down to a few dimensions.

As someone who struggles to distill his answers, I thought there was an eloquence and wisdom in his brevity.

If you read those notes, it is clear that he has an incredible ability to distill and communicate what was important.

The output nodes are less of a concern as you're trying to distill a lot of data down to a little data, but there is no reason to treat them differently.

To distill so specific a form from that chaos of improbability, like turning air to gold, that is the crowning unlikelihood, the thermodynamic miracle.

None of this means programming doesn't have a professional culture, just that it will take a while longer to distill the strongest knowledge and it will necessarily be a broader than the other professional standards.

The way I sell it is to distill my previous work down to some easily digestible details: "Automated recovery of existing processes, eliminating manual hand-held recovery.

Distill definitions


remove impurities from, increase the concentration of, and separate through the process of distillation; "purify the water"

See also: purify sublimate


undergo the process of distillation

See also: distil


extract by the process of distillation; "distill the essence of this compound"

See also: extract distil


undergo condensation; change from a gaseous to a liquid state and fall in drops; "water condenses"; "The acid distills at a specific temperature"

See also: condense distil


give off (a liquid); "The doctor distilled a few drops of disinfectant onto the wound"

See also: distil