Condemn in a sentence as a verb

The US Government will certainly condemn his actions, but I doubt many of the public will.

In that case, however, you're doing what you condemn -- rhetorics over conceptual purity and ideas.

Judicial systems are meant to apply laws contextually based on actual facts, not condemn anyone who falls into a gray area.

Many illegal actions have been taken to condemn Saeed to death, including the fact that no expert has ever reviewed the case.

To those of you who immediately believe the tumblr and therefore condemn the accuser as a liar: On what basis do you make your judgment?

We can't condemn atrocities anywhere in the world without first holding America up as a paragon of all that is evil.

Facebook are free to do distasteful things, but - and here's the important part - we are free to condemn them for doing so. Forbidding us from sharing our opinions because "hey, it's legal" is a self-defeating argument.

The only evidence they have to condemn Saeed to death are hours of false confessions Saeed gave while under physical and psychological torture.

One can condemn the idea of software patents generally without necessarily passing censorious judgments about the actors who need to deal with the law as they find it.

So in future, when we get a subject where people reply saying they have disabled java, flash, cookies, etc, due to privacy concerns, we will condemn them as publicity seeking attention seekers, right?

The conditions in some of these camps are truly disgusting, and a former guard at one claimed that 1,500 to 2,000 of the workers at his camp were missing limbs[1].I don't know what the answer is, but I think hindsight will lead future generations to condemn perceived inaction on our part.

In which you assume far too much:- that espionage is required for a state to function successfully- that maintaining US hegemony is both a national good and good for the world- that brute force is the only other viable option to rampant surveillanceIt is specifically because none of those things ought to be assumed, none of them are a given, and none are inherently good or desirable or required, that one ought to condemn these acts.

Condemn definitions


express strong disapproval of; "We condemn the racism in South Africa"; "These ideas were reprobated"

See also: reprobate decry objurgate excoriate


declare or judge unfit for use or habitation; "The building was condemned by the inspector"


compel or force into a particular state or activity; "His devotion to his sick wife condemned him to a lonely existence"


demonstrate the guilt of (someone); "Her strange behavior condemned her"


pronounce a sentence on (somebody) in a court of law; "He was condemned to ten years in prison"

See also: sentence doom


appropriate (property) for public use; "the county condemned the land to build a highway"