Conciliate in a sentence as a verb

Ugh, my girlfriend believes all this **** and to conciliate her I read a book on naturopathic medicine.

The normal thing is when a part of the network is split off - and it grows it's own blockchain - then it gets connected and the chains get re-conciliated.

It's difficult to conciliate the claim that the accused "borrowed" the truck with the allegation that the co-worker found the truck missing.

If you don't make money thanks to a project, you still need some time to work on it, and if it doesn't bring you money, how can conciliate this project and a paying job ?

I have the same concern but I'm sure a lot of Ubuntu developer are heavy Emacs users, they must have worked out a way to conciliate the two.

Explain to us, with examples, how the firing is justified, and how pronoun usage would re-conciliate with moderators with religion restrictions.

Relevant piece of information as to why this is important:> "Furthermore, so far, it has been impossible to conciliate in one common theory these two aspects of physics.

As the generations that grew up with Occupy start to get in positions of command, hopefully they will try to find ways to conciliate the search for private profit with the fairness of higher taxation.

Back in the days B&W photography was all the rage and Color was judged vulgar and restricted to advertising... William Eggleston was the one that conciliate color and art 10 years later in the 60S.

If the system you are committing your output offers version control and/or proper transactional support then delivery can be eventually re-conciliated.

> how pronoun usage would re-conciliate with moderators with religion restrictionsIt seems clear that, in their updated CoC, the requirement to be respectful trumps religious restrictions.

> The American Conservative> We want a federal government that restrains itself from intrusive forays into the lives and businesses> Unfortunately, these well-intentioned dragons at the thresholds of the City of London have been unable to guard against the onslaught of hubristic architects and developersWow, that's hard to conciliate!

Conciliate definitions


cause to be more favorably inclined; gain the good will of; "She managed to mollify the angry customer"

See also: pacify lenify assuage appease mollify placate gentle gruntle


come to terms; "After some discussion we finally made up"

See also: reconcile settle


make (one thing) compatible with (another); "The scientists had to accommodate the new results with the existing theories"

See also: accommodate reconcile