Collective in a sentence as a noun

Small groups make worse decisions than large scale collective "marketplaces" of ideas and thought.

Or are you all too self-inflated to realize that you are part of a public collective?

Oracle claims it was registered as a "collective work" and that this gives it the right to sue on a component part of the work only.

It's a collective emergent phenomenon that prints invoices.

Or does the collective opinion depend on whether HN readers stand to benefit financially?

Collective in a sentence as an adjective

Instead, there is a collective bargaining system, which sets minimum salaries for each industry.

Charities and government subsidies do not fill the voids required by collective resource allocation.

That's mainly why I come here, to peer into the collective unconcious of the californian ivy-league portfolio-owning hivemind.

How do we, IT savvy people capable of monitoring, testing and verifying this stuff, use our collective skills to monitor each ISP and communicate who is doing the best/worst job?As long as there is at least one ISP provider who is not throttling traffic, we should reward that ISP that does not discriminate on web traffic, and punish the ones that do.

Collective definitions


members of a cooperative enterprise


done by or characteristic of individuals acting together; "a joint identity"; "the collective mind"; "the corporate good"

See also: corporate


forming a whole or aggregate


set up on the principle of collectivism or ownership and production by the workers involved usually under the supervision of a government; "collective farms"