Cockiness in a sentence as a noun

Lot's of hype / cockiness on this one.

At least for those we can't or haven't been trained to see through it, cockiness does help sell.

Well, there's the cockiness, but there's also the fact that many times those words are code for "slave".

Dan was the one who balanced Gruber's cockiness.

The resulting intellectual cockiness I had... "I'm too smart for this ****.

7 digits is at least two orders of magnitude away from earning that level of cockiness.

This makes you cocky and cockiness can be costly, especially in an otherwise coherent team.

I think most hackers and especially programmers have some amount of that cockiness though, that's not something we're all immune to.

In the US, this kind of cockiness and disregard for standard procedures of law and decency is often paired with Homeland Security ****.

At what they do is viscerally repelled by the cockiness exuding from job ads seeking people who describe themselves as such... and would never dream of applying for such jobs.

But I'm guessing his cockiness caught up with him, and he just didn't know when to leave well enough alone, convinced that if he hadn't been caught before he'd continue to not get caught.

And I don't think I could exude the kind of cockiness that might lead to success, as I am naturally a skeptical person, and a depressive as well which makes that hard anyway.

I guess you learned your lesson :P Of course, you have to have a certain amount of confidence in an interview to get your foot in the door - don't make the mistake that confidence and cockiness are the same thing.

I don't doubt the management culture of some organisations would count it as to their credit that they act 'forcefully'.But still, there surely has to come a tipping point beyond which aggressive nastiness and cockiness works against, not for them.

Cockiness definitions


offensive boldness and assertiveness

See also: bumptiousness pushiness forwardness