Exude in a sentence as a verb

Except that those who are "proud to be bad at math" exude pride because they've given up, but don't want to feel like a failure.

Ever get a diagnosis from a doctor who doesn't exude confidence when she gives it?

I exude a field that makes undesirable people prejudge me, to the point where they make factual mistakes.

Those are all valid points, but the thing that's always bothered me about Hacker News is the cult-like feel that comments exude.

Companies are going up, it is alarming and exude "exuberance".

The "minor" problem is that this patch can't possibly exude enough of those compounds to protect a human in real life conditions.

They want the kind of people with an impressive diploma, with the right hand shake, who exude athletic acumen and look smart and accomplished.

That being said - always exude confidence to your customers and strategic business partnerships.

And it attracts a lot of people who are basically promoting themselves or their businesses, and they're trying really hard to exude gravitas.

Fly Ash, which coal power plants exude in large quantities contains Thorium and Uranium in rather high concentrations.

They didn't exude quality from every pore, and they didn't understand every aspect required to create true innovation.

Whilst us boys can "hit the gym" or "hit the books" and our manliness and success can exude, a girl has to chase beauty products, botox, and boob jobs in order to progress with what she's been born with.

His works exude a kind of brilliance, a technological devotion to the big ideas, but at a cost: sometimes the ideas take the stage, and characters and plot are bystanders.

Is he arguing that his journalism is completely unrepresentative of the Valley?Though you can find corners that exude more of a non-biz-oriented hacker ethos, like Noisebridge.

I've read the comments below and in reference to your not wanting to "top cdbaby" I would say that you exude such carefree joy, such an "anything is possible" vibe that I'm sure any business venture you embark on will succeed!

While they obviously should be overseeing everything that's going on, a rating like that doesn't exactly exude confidence from the American public that they'd even know what to do given the opportunity to do so.

Another group are the people who have a personality which doesn't exude visible signals for passion: They probably never hang out at meetup groups or conferences, but they quietly hack away in their own time without tweeting about it or whatever.

Exude definitions


release (a liquid) in drops or small quantities; "exude sweat through the pores"

See also: exudate transude ooze


make apparent by one's mood or behavior; "She exudes great confidence"