Pushiness in a sentence as a noun

Well, I don't like the pushiness of it.

In the end, they walked away without working with us, and a pretty sour taste in their mouths from the pushiness of the sales guy.

It's up to you, obviously, but I found the pushiness extremely off-putting.

I am never a fan of over-zealousness and pushiness, but sometimes that’s the only way to get things done.

Android has, it seems to me, the best overall experience across tablets and phones, but the pushiness of Google's a deal killer.

To summarize the article: for some reason, the society is more willing to tolerate "pushiness" in males than in females.

" Unless you're planning a lengthy proof of Ki'urnac, they're probably going to write you off and feel mildly offended at your pushiness.

I wonder if there's a correlation between pushiness to use an app and nastiness of the app itself's behavior.

That force is obviously very strong so it probably works on double-frustration pushiness too.

Maybe I'm wrong but I think HR's pushiness might be a result of their process yielding so few offers, then even fewer people accepting offer letters.

And of course, pushiness or over-persistence is never appreciated.

Why blame the boss sending you emails on Easter Sunday and expecting an immediate response on the pandemic, rather than on the boss having lost any sense of the employees having time away from work?I mean, I suppose that work-from-home made it easier for the boss to lose the distinction between "employees are at work" and "employees are not at work", but that's really the boss's pushiness finding an excuse.

Pushiness definitions


offensive boldness and assertiveness

See also: bumptiousness cockiness forwardness