Cloaked in a sentence as an adjective

Truly, points to the author: he cloaked his loathing well.

Last I talked to him he was creating a bunch of fake accounts and running cloaked campaigns.

OT, but you should've at least mentioned the name of the chair rather than hiding it behind a cloaked link.

I'll give you pre-edit, but Apple does plenty of phony altruism and silly holy wars cloaked to hide their true profit based intentions.

Humour on HN isn't verboten as such, it just needs to be carefully cloaked in some sort of substantive contribution to the discussion.

Some ideas and attitudes are reprehensible - the more so when being cloaked in language like "social conservatism"

The only party that at this time, I know is to blame is the NSA/government for conducting a cloaked surveillance operation on the entire US population.

Yes, it is possible that the lunatic uses a cloaked Internet connection and has flawless op-sec, but the odds are that he is just another raving schizo who can barely remember to pay the electric bill.

Considering how many ships are lost per battle, why aren't you just launching cloaked warp cores at the enemy and decloaking & detonating when they're in their midst?Did they completely forget about the self-replicating mines?

Those changes, cloaked in language like transparency, simplicity and consistency, are really about one thing: making it easier for Google to connect the dots between everything you search, send, say or stream while using one of their services.

Cloaked definitions


having its true character concealed with the intent of misleading; "hidden agenda"; "masked threat"

See also: disguised masked


covered with or as if with clothes or a wrap or cloak; "leaf-clothed trees"; "fog-cloaked meadows"; "a beam draped with cobwebs"; "cloud-wrapped peaks"

See also: clothed draped mantled wrapped