Altruism in a sentence as a noun

Well, it needs the first kind, it will never be short of the self-interest altruism.

After all, Apple does have a strong tradition of altruism!

Your comment feels like it is giving Jobs and Apple a bit more altruism than I think they deserve.

Doing all of this based in your faith, conviction and altruism is admirable.

But when it comes to having to compete on a level playing field with foreign workers all that altruism goes out the window.

Those who give one another the benefit of the doubt and default to altruism in the absence of specific threat.

It's not so much altruism, as making life more like a video game where you can find small amounts of money by searching random objects.

You're here setting a positive example of altruism, and genuinely trying to help out a complete stranger.

I'll give you pre-edit, but Apple does plenty of phony altruism and silly holy wars cloaked to hide their true profit based intentions.

Lewis described altruism in one of his apologist books as a "good infection" - kindness that spreads uncontrollably.

Larry Page hadn't yet made his "more wood behind fewer arrows" statement, but the writing was on the wall that we can't all just feast off of Google's generosity and altruism forever.

Bureaucracy is the friction inherent in the system; different people clog and lubricate its workings to different aims, which range from the purest altruism to the most cynical abuse.

Charities incentivise participation through altruism and the promise of political access.

There are gray areas in business and I think it's incredibly harmful to question whether shareholder interests are being maximally served every time a company does something that might be mistaken for altruism.

"I greatly respect and admire you pg, and god knows you're far more intelligent than I am, but surely you can't be so naive as to think that Milner is doing what he is doing out of some altruism for founders?He is spending outlandish amounts on startups for the same reason Abramovich spends hundreds of millions on yachts, why the Sultan of Brunei spends millions on cars, and why the Saudi princes spend millions on trips to the Riviera.

Altruism definitions


the quality of unselfish concern for the welfare of others

See also: selflessness