Citizenry in a sentence as a noun

And let's not forget the biggest lobby group of all: the American citizenry. Gag me with a spoon.

And it's not just wrong, it's among the worst wrongs a government can commit: violating the rights of the citizenry it is sworn to protect.

The American citizenry tends to be OK with this kind of thing as long as it happens far away from us. But imagine the reaction if the cafe where this occurred were in the US, and the drone was controlled by a foreign government.

It's not really practically possible to police a citizenry determined not to follow the law in good faith. Always blaming the system is not productive.

Any sort of regulation that prevents hospitals from disclosing their prices is bad for the citizenry, please fix that part of the regulations.

Laws used to frustrate, oppress, or even enslave a citizenry are always written under the guise of offering 'options for protection'. Why do we need to wiretap private citizens?

There was a story recently about how all sorts of various agencies now want their own drones to watch the citizenry as we go about our normal lives. I'll never forget an interview the reporter had with a Congressman.

Look at how hard it has been for the citizenry of forer communist countries to embrace and internalize the freedoms we in the US have had for a few hundred years.

First, our capacity to surveil the citizenry has exploded over the past two decades, and our legal framework is still grappling with that change. The courts are having trouble understanding that a change in scale can be a change in kind.

Petitions are completely ineffective because the citizenry doesn't have enough civic knowledge to ask for the right things. Take for instance, the top one -- "classify the Westboro Baptist Church as a hate group" or the various succession petitions.

What are the costs of a misinformed and variously manipulated citizenry, of distortions to the free-market? Knowledge and discourse are the lifeblood of both democracy, free markets, progress.

In the absence of a functioning free market, the government is the only entity with the authority to apply regulations for the benefit of the citizenry.

Except that it is much easier to replace macro-level power plants with cleaner tech than it is to replace piecemeal an entire citizenry of personal vehicles. Moving to electric makes you reliant on current means of energy production, but to move to cleaner tech you replace 100 power plants instead of 10,000,000 cars.

However, other countries will have a good functioning democracy and a citizenry that values privacy and will avoid those abuses. For those countries that have robust protections and engender international trust, they'll have a big business advantage when it comes to foreign consumers.

Regimes in the past have always started with the schools, where they develop a compliant citizenry, Whitehead continued. These Student Locator programs are ultimately aimed at getting students used to living in a total surveillance state where there will be no privacy, and wherever you go and whatever you text or email will be watched by the government.

To the point of the submitted article, it would be good for voting behavior and legislation in the United States if the broader masses of the citizenry had better numeracy. One other top-level comment made a very important point, the point I was thinking of making when I first read the title of the submitted article before reading its content."

The best the citizenry can hope for, given the amount of corruption that unfettered political donation has brought, is for a corporate champion whose own economic interests just happen to align with our liberty on this issue. Because the legislators supporting this don't care about piracy any more than Google cares about free speech.

From what I've read about Snowden, he's definitely not a traitor, in that he seems to have felt that his oath and his allegiance to America required him to alert the citizenry to other people betraying America by creating an enormous, unconstitutional surveillance apparatus. I'm entirely ok with people saying he's wrong, or saying that he's a fool.

This asymmetry has been a real awakening for me about the level of corruption and moral bankruptcy of the US ruling class, and about the apathy and complicity of the press and the citizenry in general. I think we are already past the inflection point that historians will one day view as similar to the turning points that led to **** Germany and other large scale moral failings of humanity.

Reviewing courts should be independent and include an adversarial process, and corporations should allow important rulings of law to be made public in a timely manner so that the courts are accountable to an informed citizenry. 3 \nTransparency About Corporations collecting practices Transparency is essential to a debate over corporations’ surveillance powers and the scope of programs that are administered under those powers.

These are mostly medical or training facilities, many of them operated jointly by American and German forces, not some occupying force that's intent on overrunning our government or controlling the citizenry. As far as public opinion goes, this is a complete non-issue, and I strongly suspect that if public opinion turned so far as to make it an issue, the US would withdraw their troops before entering into a war with a powerful western nation that would almost inevitably turn into another world war.

Citizenry definitions


the body of citizens of a state or country; "the Spanish people"

See also: people