Compliant in a sentence as an adjective

But the ISP needed this feature in order to be compliant with their laws.

It's the compliant parsers that are vulnerable to this....

A compliant browser will update the image element's contents in place.

No website should have the right to demand the use of any software other than a standards-compliant web browser.

At what point do we recognize a disorder in a child who is unnaturally compliant and obedient?

Regimes in the past have always started with the schools, where they develop a compliant citizenry, Whitehead continued.

'Oh, but they should have used a distributed, redundant buzzword compliant system in a multitude of nuclear bunkers and this would never have happened'.

They'd have to negotiate and sign compliance agreements with a raft of DRM providers just to be fully standards-compliant and interoperable.

Anecdotally, most Americans living abroad are probably non-compliant on this one.

In order for Bitcoin to grow a thriving ecosystem, it apparently needs a US-based, VC-backed company that has “worked closely with banks and regulators to ensure that the service is safe and compliant”.This quote right here is the tell that tips the hand.

In tests, TB 117 compliant chairs catch fire just as easily as ones that aren't compliant - and they burn just as hot."So the entire country is now exposed to the dangers of these chemicals because in 1975 some bureaucrats at an obscure government agency in California came up with an arbitrary standard that was not based in reality.

Compliant definitions


disposed or willing to comply; "children compliant with the parental will"