Ceremony in a sentence as a noun

When I saw a NeXTCube by his side, I knew this was going to be a memorable ceremony.

This change doesn't seem to add too much additional ceremony, and people had been asking for this for some time.

I don't care if you just started med school and are posting pics of your doctor ceremony thing. I'm busy making crappy Android apps and trying to quit pornography...

I was so disgusted I refused to walk in the graduation ceremony, much to my parents disappointment.

The Gettysburg address as something like 3 minutes of a 22 hour ceremony. It proves Brin's point exactly.

In short, voting with your wallet or voting with your feet means far greater efficacy and voice than going through the ceremony of voting with a ballot. -- Rule by an elite is inevitable.

Every white gloved soldier in a ceremony is a PR stunt. Every wood paneled room, dramatic monument, motorcade, marble building, podium, flag and seal are part of the PR show.

It worked so well that NME nominated us for best web site in their awards ceremony in early 2000 because they'd never seen a site in which the content was mostly created by fans and that the fans loved. I left the label in 2000 to do other things.

They had to rush design and construction of the Congress building to the point only the main chamber was completed on time for the new president's oath ceremony.

Whichever member of the royal family carries out the ceremony is basically a paid actor on behalf of that state in this context.

The same thing that happens when you develop gastric issues on a 30-minute helicopter tour, as the minister in a wedding ceremony, or in a dentist's chair.

She oversaw wrenching shifts in Britain's social and economic structures, was hated, respected, but rarely loved and kicked out without ceremony. But my abiding memories are of something getting done.

\n - The pen laying and the Nobel ceremony never happened\n - Near the end of the movie, he say he's taking "new meds" while in real life, \n he stopped taking them after the mid 70's and he's vocal about it. \n The scenarist added it because he or she feared it would encourage people \n not taking med.

If the British media had been in charge of the ceremony in could have very easily been a cringeworthy ordeal featuring a cast of z-list celebrities dancing about. The inclusion of Tim Berners-Lee and the NHS section were excellent ideas.

We had an openly gay foreign minister and ministers who refused to say "god" in their swearing in ceremony. Top American politicians are always married with children church-going Christians, because the populace will not support "personal weaknesses".

The awards ceremony for the race had to be delayed because the winner, Norwegian cross-country skier and legend in the sport Bjrn Dhlie, insisted on waiting 20 minutes for Boit to cross the finish line so he could cheer Boit on!

Dirac disliked celebrations and formality, so he was almost certainly not looking forward to the ceremony. He could have taken the degree without attending it but decided to be there in person for the sake of his proud parents, especially this father, who had given him the money that enabled him to begin his Cambridge studies.

> Theres no certification, ceremony, or merit badge that says, youre ready to contribute to OSS. I strongly believe that everyone, and I mean everyone, is ready to contribute to OSS. On the Python project, Jesse Noller recently started a "core mentorship" group to help people put the rubber to the road. There's an almost endless amount of work to be done on CPython, and we'll literally take anyone with any amount of knowledge and help them contribute.

Erlang's reliance on spawning processes as a central abstraction conceit leads to conflating a lot of best practice OTP ceremony with your domain logic. You end up with a Service Oriented Architecture at the application level---people rarely write pure libraries, but instead bootable applications that you communicate to handle needs asynchronously.

Im also unconvinced that the distinction between := and = is essential; feels like unnecessary ceremony. I think that's actually almost my favorite thing about the language, I don't know how many times I've wished that Python and Lua worked that way. Having a low-ceremony means of declaration while also preventing you from accidentally over-assigning something when you want to be declaring it is really nice.

Ceremony definitions


a formal event performed on a special occasion; "a ceremony commemorating Pearl Harbor"

See also: ceremonial observance


any activity that is performed in an especially solemn elaborate or formal way; "the ceremony of smelling the cork and tasting the wine"; "he makes a ceremony of addressing his golf ball"; "he disposed of it without ceremony"


the proper or conventional behavior on some solemn occasion; "an inaugural ceremony"