Pastrami in a sentence as a noun

It should be "Pound pastrami, can kraut, six bagels—bring home for Emma.

The best way I've found so far is to salt cure the breast like pastrami - as the meat is so dark it's very much like a salt cured beef.

You can get rolled oats for about $.75 a portion with real milk and a half a banana, and as a lunch you can get bread, pastrami, cheese for <$15, for about 8 sandwiches.

Nitrides are no more hazardous than maillard reaction products like acrylamide, yet we're sabotaging our pastrami because of it.

> You probably lost a great bartender and taco serverI would have never tried the pastrami taco if it hadn’t been for her!> Why not discuss it with her?She’s campaigning.

I know people like that, who would drive for a long time to avoid paying a dollar and it always seemed like such weird behavior to me. I remember going to get pastrami in LA with a friend; I mean, twenty dollar sandwiches, and he didn't want to pay three bucks for parking, instead wanted to drive more.

If something goes wrong at Instagram nobody really cares if you they don't roll back posting the picture of your pastrami sandwich just because the #lolcatz tag got applied by mistake.

>Nobody knew what those people were doing, if they were doing anythingI just can't help but smile and remember the scene from The Sopranos of some wiseguys seating in lawn chairs at the construction site eating pastrami sandwiches... but in a tunnel this time!

Pastrami definitions


highly seasoned cut of smoked beef