Centralize in a sentence as a verb

Use something like logstash to centralize that state.

Why can't Google centralize its messaging apps already, including adding SMS into it? Sure, the carriers might not like it, but get with the program Google.

While git is distributed, Github managed to centralize the open source culture

Furthermore, according to the text here, the most important aspect of this might just be the need to centralize all the collected data! crazy.

And there, my friends, is the totalitarian impulse: "We must coercively centralize in the name of platonic ideals, damn the costs."

The more we centralize, the harder it becomes to do anything of value to help schools perform better. And the trend continues to be more and more in the direction of centralization.

Google found a way to take the decentralized web, with contentual links thought of by humans, and centralize it in one place. People thinking how to contextually connect millions of web pages do the work, and Google crawls and amalgamates that.

Does anyone else find it ironic that Git is a distributed version control system, yet we rushed to centralize it and base our entire workflow around GitHub?

They have learnt from experience that it is very dangerous to centralize identifying information within the hands of a single ruling entity.

Microsoft is trying to centralize everything a la Google with it's wide plethora of apps and services while simultaneously creating a walled garden of windows only products like Apple. When I think of outlook I think of being at work and dealing with business emails.

It's no longer about sopa, it is about notifying everyone in the world that there are governments all over the world trying to centralize and censor the internet, and that this is a very very bad thing.   It isn't enough that we slap their hand for trying to break the internet on account of complete ignorance.

As a side effect, it will effectively centralize control of the currency to a few major computational groups that have the resources to make such big investments. If they ever wanted to cooperate, just a few of these groups could be able to determine policy for bitcoin as a whole.

This is a vestige of the design where there was no reasonable way to centralize that amount of signaling over such great distances. To get a snapshot of the whole system you'd have to simultaneously snapshot the state of every signal tower in the system and find some way to collect this information centrally.

The internet has plenty of potential for government abuse, but Facebook gives governments a single entity to talk to whose sole purpose is to centralize your personal information. If you're paranoid, the Internet at large can be pretty anonymous: proxies, encrypted communications, etc.

Marx, its founder, concluded that the only way to abolish the class monopolies was to centralize and consolidate all industrial and commercial interests, all productive and distributive agencies, in one vast monopoly in the hands of the State. The government must become banker, manufacturer, farmer, carrier, and merchant, and in these capacities must suffer no competition.

Bevereages companies have many bottling facilities distributed throughout their markets, electronics companies tend to have relatively centralized manufacturing. With low value:weight beverages, transport costs dominate manufacturing, so it is most economical to have many bottling facilities relatively close to consumers, at the cost of reduced manufacturing economy of scale. With electronics, manufacturing costs dominate transport costs, so it is most economical to centralize manufacturing, taking advantage of economy of scale.

Centralize definitions


make central; "The Russian government centralized the distribution of food"

See also: centralise concentrate