Transect in a sentence as a verb

You transect the frog optic nerve and rotate the orb of the eye upside-down.

Not all of the people from that period made out like bandits, but from my small transect, in attempting to do good, most wound up doing well.

If you’re 7’ tall, you can’t really fit into existing economy seats, either, because your knees would need to transect the seat in front of you.

What's more common is to do transect counts where you fly in a sort of raster pattern and then do your statistics to estimate the population that you didn't see.

The code establishes transect zones and specifies standards for transects, building types, frontage types, walkable neighborhoods, and thoroughfares that can be adapted to each neighborhood.

Utility poles are owned by someone other than common people, and a trench transect for fibre is limited by property concerns...we need to develop a method of long hauling signals that wont be interfered with and will not interfere physically with anyone else...optical linkage works and has no palpable medium to be destroyed by hostile action.

Transect definitions


cut across or divide transversely; "the trails transect the property"