Centralise in a sentence as a verb

Let's centralise the interwebs!It seems like a bad idea, but they do have a point.

If it is being used to centralise scheduled tasks you would also want to centeralise the output from the tasks.

The real innovation in bitcoins is decentralisation, so I suppose if you want to centralise it again, you can just throw out the whole blockchain idea.

The amount of money it would take to centralise that system is enormous, to say nothing of the political wrangling it would take to wrest control of even a small portion of the process from the states.

The state normally has programs in place already to centralise and analyse health data and what Facebook are proposing is essentially setting up equivalent functions in parallel.

Because computers and software work by linking together components often without sufficient communication between the pieces to easily centralise operation.

That's the nature of the beast, I am constantly confused as to why people are surprised when they centralise all power under the control of a small group of people and that power is co-opted by other forces they likely initially sought to guard it from.

It also means that whether you're using Red Hat or Ubuntu, you get to negotiate the fee for OS level support via a behemoth like HP, Amazon, Microsoft or Google, or if you're a huge company with a private cloud, you centralise all that and do it in bulk.

Centralise definitions


make central; "The Russian government centralized the distribution of food"

See also: centralize concentrate