Caveman in a sentence as a noun

The "normal environmental temperature outside" hasn't been good enough since the first caveman started a fire in his cave for warmth.

The capitalizations and bolding, the oversimplified assertions of "caveman brain" and "rational brain".

Same thing goes for Gorilla glass, motion sensors and so on. I would probably bet that if we needed to make a document that describes every technology required to make an iPhone starting from how to make a fire so that a caveman can follow it by the line and produce an iPhone, it would probably a 100 million pages.

Reminds me of a cartoon with a caveman thinking, "Something's just not right - our air is clean, our water is pure, we all get plenty of exercise, everything we eat is organic and free-range, and yet nobody lives past 30.

Just like the caveman who is looking eagerly at the bright red berries on the bush, the edges of his eyes are looking for that tell-tale flicker in the underbrush that means a big mean cat is about to jump on him and eat him.

If only the historical record was better you could probably trace the legitimacy of most governments back to some Neolithic caveman beating another caveman into submission.

The answer is re-attaching the purpose element to the highly-productive "********" jobs that we do, and reprogramming our caveman brains to realise that Excel really is mightier than the sword, and that we can be of far more use to the world by adapting our highly-optimised productivity systems to be more meaningful, rather than dismantling them and returning to an enjoyable but unproductive primary-secondary economy.

Caveman definitions


someone who lives in a cave

See also: troglodyte