Neolithic in a sentence as a noun

We're still stuck in the "that fat dude must be rich" neolithic mindset.

In either case, once the neolithic revolution had begun there was no turning back.

Most or all of the mummies studied were from neolithic societies, not paleolithic.

He might as well remark that his sperm is using the same sort of gamete structure that was fashionable in the neolithic period.

It was a lot of fun to run the clock back to the point where neolithic cultures predominated and see how much the colored areas shrinked.

Neolithic in a sentence as an adjective

I know you put heavy caveats on this, but really, it's not worth your time to speculate about how neolithic people were organized and then draw conclusions.

I would put 1850 as my over-under for the year that neolithic culture provided an improvement in average quality of life.

I think if you were a typical neolithic farmer you would not be looking yearningly at the hunter-gatherers living in the mountains, wishing you could live like them.

There's a lot to be said for that when you're a neolithic hunter-gatherer or an iron-age peasant -- if you try something new and it fails, you maybe get to watch your family starve next spring -- but it's a bit less useful as a rule of thumb in the data centre.

Neolithic definitions


latest part of the Stone Age beginning about 10,000 BC in the Middle East (but later elsewhere)

See also: Neolithic


of or relating to the most recent period of the Stone Age (following the mesolithic); "evidence of neolithic settlements"