Troglodyte in a sentence as a noun

The name "trogger" makes me think of "troglodyte" or "troll blogger".

Pffff, anyone who doesn't measure things on a scale of 8747-41947 is a troglodyte.

One way to cure this symptom of patriarchy is to try to stop being a 'troglodyte' as you put it.

That would be assault, and you could be jailed for it. Plus, then you look like the troglodyte for raising the problem from the verbal domain to the physical domain.

>One way to cure this symptom of patriarchy is to try to stop being a 'troglodyte' as you put it."Patriarchy?

To a certain species of troglodyte, "impossible" and "some political fallout" are the same thing.

It's so crazily reductionist, it looks like what a troglodyte like Strom Thurmond might sketch if you had him draw an "Asian-looking mouse".

He should have used "troglodyte," which is a safely fictional proto-human, to imply someone is an unevolved cave man.

"mouth-breathing troglodyte" pretty much immediately tells me what way the article is going to go. Which is to demonize male sexuality.

As long as Texas has a troglodyte in the governors mansion, it deserves the terrible reputation it has earned for itself.

But if they are a 'bad nerd', they suddenly don a mysterious hoodie that covers their face as they work in a cave-like room like some kind of new-age techno-troglodyte?

What would a non-'troglodyte' do?If you shrug, accept the status quo and say meh, it's a cultural problem you're functionally no different than someone who is completely ignorant of the issue.

Troglodyte definitions


one who lives in solitude

See also: hermit recluse solitary solitudinarian


someone who lives in a cave

See also: caveman