Bulging in a sentence as an adjective

I just looked for bulging caps and replaced them.

* The Peak suffers from a bulging battery issue.

Haha, very good but the cornea bulging control is pretty grim.

Staring at your bulging bank account can only do so much to lessen that pain, at least in the short term.

Would men, their savings accounts bulging with useless money, moan, "I only wish I wanted an iPad more?

Do you really ask women out by walking up to them with bulging eyes and saying "wow, that top makes your **** look great"?

Many Americans do, indeed, keep bulging tri-fold wallets in their rear pockets.

And every year they, and the other Ivies, call up all their alumni and beg for donations to their bulging bank accounts.

I survived for a year after the housing bust on $6,000 I made flipping PowerPC iMacs that were suffering from the bulging capacitor issue that’s been plaguing electronics.

"'consumer-grade antivirus products cant protect against targeted malware created by well-resourced nation-states with bulging budgets'"That's not the relevant bit.

"consumer-grade antivirus products cant protect against targeted malware created by well-resourced nation-states with bulging budgets"Sorry - NO.

Bulging definitions


curving or bulging outward

See also: convex


curving outward

See also: bellied bellying bulbous bulgy protuberant