Cornea in a sentence as a noun

Friction between cornea and eye lids is a problem.

Instead of "cornea display" or "very high PPI", I prefer the term "443 PPI".

I saw a cornea specialist at the Mayo Clinic for a while; they were "OK".

Somehow the image must be pushed away from the cornea.

This might lead to more scratches on the cornea and prone to further infections and ulcers.

Haha, very good but the cornea bulging control is pretty grim.

When there's not enough cornea to mold/burn, the procedure results in weak correction.

And the reflection is off the cornea not the pupil but who's paying attention to details...

The area of the cornea that gets molded was large enough for normal-to-bright light, but in low light the molded area was too small.

After all, a normal and healthy eye cannot focus on objects that are fewer than 10 centimeters from the corneal surface.

I get an appointment with a real opthamologist, and he said I have a viral infection in the cornea, and its serious.

This was 2005 so I don't know the procedure anymore, but I was supposed to keep my eye trained on a flashing dot while the laser ablated my cornea.

Since I do sports, I'd be at risk of having a flap dislodged, so I have to do PRK, where they remove the cornea by brush and the cells regenerate on their own.

Impeding the flow of oxygen to the surface of the eye can lead to corneal neovascularization - the growth of blood vessels over the cornea.

The cornea, not the lens, supplies the majority of the eye's refraction, so I would be surprised if this worked for people with any substantial amount of refractive error.

Cornea definitions


the transparent dome-shaped anterior portion of the outer covering of the eye; it covers the iris and pupil and is continuous with the sclera