Beatnik in a sentence as a noun

Trivia lovers will note beatnik was founded by thomas dolby

Probably apocryphal hearsay, but does chime with the "beatnik" story.

Don't know how to say this articulately but I've always thought of it as Helvetica's beatnik cousin.

Has anyone seen a real beatnik in a generation?I don't think a city should freeze it's self in time so the aging can relive their youth.

Like, even if some older people in the 70's thought hippies and beatniks were lazy no-goods, the fundamentals - free speech, the right to protest and disagree - protected everyone.

Some 19th century romantics and beatnik writers went on about tortured, artistic souls and their double edged but ultimately damaging relationships with *****.

Jumping around a bit = we've been culturally ok with that since mtv circa 1993 or the beatnik authors of the late 50's or virtually any film or literature that jumps around in the narrative timeline.

The beatnik in the author comes out at the end:You don't need to go hang-gliding over the Himalayas, you don't need to screw your luscious and oh-so-willing secretary or party all night with the beautiful people.

While that theory has some support, I would also suggest that you not discount the synergistic effect of the popular association between ********* and that "scary" jazz/beatnik scene which probably seemed quite threatening to the dominant culture of the time.

Beatnik definitions


a member of the beat generation; a nonconformist in dress and behavior

See also: beat