Beak in a sentence as a noun

Where service wets beak with $$ only, or also/with btc micro payments?

The boy had taught this crow some tricks, including holding a cigarette in its beak.

Regarding debeaking, it IS not removal of the whole beak.

I feel happiest when I go on vacation with a beautiful blonde and then beak up with her up on my way home.

"And of course the mafia always needs to be cut into any good deal and requires a "taste" and to dip their beak.

Beak in a sentence as a verb

Each slightly different, maybe color difference or a larger beak or bigger wingspan.

Why do you think the beak is shaped like that?Then she saw what she was supposed to be understanding: Why did one child see this and the other that?

If you were to put a red bird with a yellow beak in a racing game, I would be terribly surprised if the creators of the driving game weren't sued.

However, it has not been shown that the magnetite located in the beak of pigeons is capable of responding to a magnetic field with the Earth’s strength.

A monkey can scream to warn its troopmates of an approaching predator, or alert them to a cache of tasty food, but it can't communicate something like "doesn't that hawk have a funny looking beak?

Beak definitions


beaklike mouth of animals other than birds (e.g., turtles)


horny projecting mouth of a bird

See also: bill pecker


a beaklike, tapering tip on certain plant structures


informal terms for the nose

See also: honker hooter nozzle snoot snout schnozzle schnoz


hit lightly with a picking motion

See also: peck pick