Badmouth in a sentence as a verb

"Yeah, I don't badmouth my employer in public either.

It's not smart to publicly badmouth an entrepreneur you've invested in.

I'd execute a chargeback so fast their head would spin, and I would badmouth the company involved for months.

Obviously I wouldn't badmouth people at my current or former employers.

But I get really confused when people badmouth ORMs and try to tell me that it's simpler to use raw SQL, cause it never has been for me and my use cases.

It also commits the irony of talking about "women's issues" solely to badmouth the idea of doing just that, in essence.

There are so many people here that are desperate to make money out of the big new closed ecosystems that they are only too eager to badmouth open alternatives at every turn.

The people he's talking about are in a position to badmouth him right back, end even if they don't he can get a reputation for being a whiner who will turn on people who hire him the moment things don't work out.

I know some of y'all are cynical about academia and like to badmouth PhD students as being unhirable and writing **** code, but consider that RTM is a top academic, and is pretty relevant as far as the startup scene is considered.

Badmouth definitions


speak unfavorably about; "She badmouths her husband everywhere"

See also: malign traduce