Atonal in a sentence as an adjective

To play all that atonal music with such facility, she is at least really good with piano.

Mmmmmm 180 minutes of atonal 'sound collage' ****, otherwise known as complete and utter self-absorbed wank.

Many of the other CA-based music generators I've seen have sounded rather atonal and random compared to this one.

Even Stravinsky's serial compositions arent so much atonal as they are post-tonal.

Its just worth keeping in mind that this has relatively little to do with serial composition as practiced by its originators, who really were trying for a genuinely atonal approach.

Then, someone who knows only English or is writing for people who know only English, discarding English essentially stops communications, and that's why it's super tough to hear any communication in atonal music.

Should I make my art in the form a 180 minute long atonal sound collage that can only be heard by buying a custom piece of machinery that is installed in your house OR should I make my art form 55 minutes of music that can fit on a Compact Disc?Think of shipping containers.

The reality is that Chinese speakers have come to expect very little from foreigners who are studying their language...and ironically this just continues the cycle, and these cocksure foreigners receive affirmation for simple, atonal phrases that native speakers must work hard to understand.

Atonal definitions


characterized by avoidance of traditional western tonality

See also: unkeyed