Unkeyed in a sentence as an adjective

When the tone is not present, the transmitters are unkeyed.

With unkeyed-fields, you might have code that compiles but sets unexpected fields.

You look for refxss in "unkeyed" inputs: those are inputs that alter the output of a cacheable page but aren't themselves part of the cache key.

If you can trigger refxss in the unkeyed input, that refxss will be cached and fed to everyone else regardless of whether they use the same unkeyed input.

You are talking about unkeyed collision resistant cryptographic hashes.

Because it's marginally easier to write?I also write a lot of Go code, and appreciate how "go vet" disallows unkeyed struct literals, forcing you to write the field names when creating structs.

Unkeyed definitions


characterized by avoidance of traditional western tonality

See also: atonal