Assessment in a sentence as a noun

It's not obvious that they are wrong in that assessment.

It's an honest assessment by a conscientious engineer. And because of it, I trust Redis even more.

I would like to offer you some insight into our internal assessment of these claims. Is elementary OS reminiscent of OS X?

Coming from the head of a major studio, an assessment that poor would be career-ending. If your model is imitating others, fine.

You shouldn't change your assessment of the risks just because you almost got unlucky. It's like suddenly deciding that lottery tickets are a good investment just because you know someone who won.

So, after a high-level assessment, you talk with your client, explain the general range of issues and problems, and get direction on the desired level of response. Is the deal such as even to warrant legal review?

I went to a Waldorf/Steiner school, which shares some of these traits such as the lack of a focus on assessment and grading and the emphasis on creativity. We weren't taught the alphabet until the age of about 6-7 and basic arithmetic at 7-8.

So, I flipped over the multiple choice test, and wrote an essay about how I read, comprehended, and loved the book,but this was an outrageous assessment, and a poor way to judge my aptitude. Although I scored less than 30/100 on the multiple choice, the teacher gave me an A on the test.

As a 30-year old childless white man who left the games industry after a short 8 months in order to get married and spend time with my spouse, I can tell you that the assessment is fairly spot on. If you weren't putting in 12 hours daily, something was wrong with you and it was 'bad for team morale'.

My point isn't that my choice quotes above are accurate, but that Musk's assessment is disingenuous to the NYT's response, and that's in the first paragraph of his article. I'm not sure what Musk is trying to accomplish at this point, his "spin" is transparent and it feels condescending.

I thought it was interesting how knowing the person actually changed the assessment of how physically attractive someone was. Not overwhelmingly so but definitely enough to notice.

I would be interested to see a study that actually measures music ability, using set learning time frames with unfamiliar pieces and double blind assessment of music samples. If that was correlated with behavior, then it might mean something.

Yet Musk uses Broder's assessment as a closing statement of damning circumstantial proof that Broder is decidedly anti-electric car. Oh I know, this kind of cheap rhetorical trick is what all politicians and businessmen do, and it's OK if someone we all really admire does it, as long as his heart's in the right place.

Personally, when rating the badness of work, I judge it against my own assessment of the potential of the work. The potential isn't directly measurable or quantifiable, but it consists of things like the budget, the vision of the creator, the skill and effort of the artists involved in the creation, etc.

Nokia's own assessment was that they would have one MeeGo unit ready for shipping in 2011, and that particular unit--what eventually came out quietly as the N9--was an intriguing but crashably unusable demo unit even in late 2010. This isn't speculation on my part, either: I was at Nokia in 2010 and used one of them briefly.

While there is a pithy debate going on about Kima and how it fares in an economic comparison to YC, I will throw in my more technical assessment of what founders should consider in deciding whether the sort of up-front equity funding offered by Kima is right for them in the first place. Seed funding can be a tricky proposition for startups.

Assessment definitions


the classification of someone or something with respect to its worth

See also: appraisal


an amount determined as payable; "the assessment for repairs outraged the club's membership"


the market value set on assets


the act of judging or assessing a person or situation or event; "they criticized my judgment of the contestants"

See also: judgment judgement