Reminiscent in a sentence as an adjective

Did we actively intend for it to be reminiscent of OS X?

The whole thing is very reminiscent of "Game of Thrones," actually.

This is very reminiscent of Google/YouTube circa 2006.

The Android I had to endure for the last two years looked nothing like the Linux I used on my desktop and servers; it was more reminiscent of Windows 95.

It's extremely cowardly and disgusting and reminiscent of prepubescent school yard antics.

Superficially, reliance on the Turing test is reminiscent of the Cartesian approach to the existence of other minds.

One side is overly religious and the other side can be reminiscent of populist South American dictators that rile-up the masses, give them **** and buy votes.

"The last game implemented by Osmo, the physics game, is the least interesting of the 3 as it has less claims to educational value than the other 2. However, it is reminiscent of several similar tabletop based tangible systems and augmented reality systems.

So long as the supporters get their "sidescrolling platformer action/adventure game, reminiscent of console classics like Super Mario Brothers and Sonic the Hedgehog", like he promised them, what's it your business anyway?

Reminiscent definitions


serving to bring to mind; "cannot forbear to close on this redolent literary note"- Wilder Hobson; "a campaign redolent of machine politics"

See also: evocative redolent remindful resonant