Prodrome in a sentence as a noun

Then there is a "prodrome" period of a few days during which you would be infectious.

Until you seroconvert I guess, I don’t think there are prodromes and shedding like ******

I've reached a point where I want to slap them sometimes; one of my migraine prodrome symtoms is irraional anger and anxiety, perhaps I will someday :-PPersonally, I wish you the best of luck.

Monkeypox "Symptoms ... closely resemble those of smallpox, and include a febrile prodrome followed by development of a disseminated vesiculo-pustular rash...patients are vulnerable to secondary bacterial infection, dehydration, encephalitis, bronchopneumonia and blindness due to corneal scarring from lesions.

Prodrome definitions


an early symptom that a disease is developing or that an attack is about to occur

See also: prodroma