Appearing in a sentence as a noun

"At the risk of appearing hyperbolic, this could be the end of Bitcoin, at least for most of the public.

Contrary to some of the other comments appearing, for me this kind of thing is excellent.

Then later someone pointed out to me that it was appearing in various signature lines which I suppose led to its being spread.

'They mobilized an effort to figure this out, its not like it isn't knowable, and ever the data driven company the first signs of light were appearing just as I was leaving.

While we do see positive words such as celebration appearing, the overall language of the day on Twitter reflected that a very negatively viewed character met a very negative end.

> Scientists and naturalists have discovered the Fibonacci sequence appearing in many forms in nature, such as the shape of nautilus shells, the seeds of sunflowers, falcon flight patterns and galaxies flying through space.

I was slightly uncomfortable with the idea of 6 hours of me conversing with my girlfriend at a brewery being passed around between who knows how many labs, and appearing in who knows how many papers, over a period of who knows how many years.

Sure, you may fool a weak interviewer, but what does that say about the company you may be joining?We all want to be solid in both fundamentals and presentation, but I prefer to focus my limited resources on getting better than I am, not appearing to be better.

"Note that the initial court order although appearing to target the specific user demanded explicitly that Lavabit "shall furnish agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, forthwith, all information, facilities, and technical assistance necessary to accomplish the installation and use of the pen/trap device.

I've worked for some very good women bosses and a women CEO and I admired their ability to find that balance and presentation style that gave them command without them appearing as an "angry *****" or "stupid".I've also worked with some women that couldn't find that balance, they weren't really doing anything a reasonably competent man wouldn't do, but were marked with gendered epithets and eventually driven from their job.

Appearing definitions


formal attendance (in court or at a hearing) of a party in an action

See also: appearance