Annotating in a sentence as a noun

Now, we don't want half of our code to consist in annotating each variable with a type. The compiler should infer that 123 is an int.

Finally, author believes that the "JavaScript" code can be made "as fast" even without annotating it like in asm. js.

For philosophical reasons: genius is about annotating text, and as a result, about close reading. We'd rather optimize for a close read than a speed read.

In a markup language there is an underlying text that you're annotating with machine readable tags. Most data interchange doesn't have an underlying text -- you can't strip away the tags and expect it to be understandable.

Sounds to me like the work his team was doing, annotating films with meta-data, is a stop gap situation. I presume Amazon is working on an automated system based on Mechanical Turk or crowd sourcing to do the annotating.

For about a year I've been annotating such comments, but when I analyzed who upvoted them, the upvotes were very broadly distributed.

The time I spent replying to incorrect replies from "experts" and annotating screenshots, however, is lost forever. The only good thing I can say about Flightfox is that their support always replied very quickly and professionally.

Haskell allows you to annotate classes of side effects such as "changes state" or "might throw exception", not necessarily the full IO monad, so annotating as pure doesn't make sense.

With evernote killing the ease of "let me show" half, whats the point of annotating things and taking screen shots? If there was ever an opportunity for a disruptive simple startup idea it would be to replicate what skitch did before evernote bought it and broke the original use case.

The information on what needs annotating isn't quite complete: loops and some other macros need annotations. I'm probably responsible for the thinking that annotations are only needed for "top levels and function parameters".

The entire point of RapGenius is annotating individual lines of hip hop songs, so each annotation is a unique bit of content. I have, on many occasions, searched for a particular line in a song and been very pleased that the first result is a direct link to the RapGenius annotation for that line.

All would benefit from solid interactivity, search and annotating capabilities.

One of the secretaries would then print out the whole thing spend the next two weeks going through it with multiple colored markers annotating it with who had which phone one which days and checking for different classes of violations of the cell phone usage policies. Another secretary realized that he could make it a lot faster by just copying and pasting the data into different sheets for each person and then highlighting it in Excel.

Quote Examples using Annotating

Using advanced Haskell extensions can occasionally require annotating a non-top-level value with a type, in order to resolve an ambiguity. The compiler will point out which value has an ambiguous type. Also, if you've made a mistake and your program doesn't typecheck, depending on whether explicit type declarations have been provided or not, the compiler may complain about different parts of the program. Adding type annotations may help pinpoint the exact location of the mistake. This isn't really a problem, and it's more of an issue in SML and OCaml than Haskell, because these languages don't encourage annotating top-level values with types.


Annotating definitions


the act of adding notes

See also: annotation