Altruist in a sentence as a noun

There is a price and a gain, even from a pure altruist view.

Hint to FSF: not everyone on the web is an altruist.

I don't think Paul's saying he's an altruist when he says "I am nothing".

How about an "altruist black-hat" in China scrape the site then post a torrent?

The altruist in you wants to beat a man who donated $100 million dollars with a stick?

I agree with this statement, its just the altruist in me wants to beat people who act like zuck with a stick.

I'm not sure an altruist can make himself obsessed with money in order to be a better altruist.

On the basis of the altruist morality, capitalism had to be—and was—damned from the start.

So it's totally consistent for an altruist who wants more people to be paid more to try to introduce more people to programming jobs!

Even an ethical altruist wouldn't be required to make an empty gesture which doesn't benefit anyone.

So the ***** sending altruist who wants fun to be the basis of society goes back to sending dildos while the guy who charged the money actually does the job.

So because a person is not themselves a perfect altruist, they are no better than a person who has no empathy or morality whatsoever?

For example, in 100 percent of LPA societies ... generosity or altruism is always favored toward relatives and non-relatives alike, with sharing and cooperation being the most cited moral values"Would Rand think it is wrong to be an altruist just for your own family?

You should be motivated to submit pull requests and hunt down project committers on Twitter and IRC when you're stuck.===Who are you?===* A nice person* An effective communicator face-to-face, on the phone, and over the web* A pragmatic engineer that can quickly go from problem to solution to working software* A lazy programmer who leverages test, build, and deployment automation wherever possible* An confident teacher of what you know and a humble student of what you don't* An altruist who wants to participate in open-source projects===What do we work on?===Our clients range from small and scrappy startups to large enterprise companies.

Altruist definitions


someone who makes charitable donations intended to increase human well-being

See also: philanthropist