Aflatoxin in a sentence as a noun

Did they use some mouldy peanuts full of aflatoxin?It's much harder to pick up on these things.

At low enough amounts, aflatoxin will be destroyed in the rumen, and won't enter the bloodstream.

You shouldn't feed aflatoxin-laden feed to dairy animals.

Did they use some mouldy peanuts full of aflatoxin?Call me crazy, but I feel safer eating at a chef's house than out of a perfectly legal streetside food truck.

Legumes can be toxic to eat raw, contain aflatoxins and cause digestive issues - but they don't contribute much to your diet besides a bit of protein.

They don't care where their corn silage comes from and they can even consume and detoxify aflatoxin-laden corn that cannot be placed into any other food supply.

It's other Aspergillus species that produce aflatoxin, sorry.

High consumers of peanuts and pistachio products are at greater risk of intermittent exposure to aflatoxin.

20 parts per billion isn't "consuming" aflatoxin-laden feed - it's eating regular feed with trace contamination.

Molds that grow on bread or food in the refrigerator are vanishingly unlikely to produce aflatoxin, the carcinogen you're referring to here.

"From Wikipedia:Vomitoxin is not a known carcinogen as with aflatoxin.

One of the organisms studied in this paper was Aspergillus *****, whose metabolism produces, among other things, aflatoxin.

Due to aflatoxin being everywhere, organic food can be more carcinogenic than standard food is, depending on the specific food, climate, and distribution.

In some cases it may be heuristically better to ingest even insufficiently tested chemicals if the organic alternative has higher levels of aflatoxin.

Your environmental risk of cancer is probably not dominated by scary industrial chemicals, either; aflatoxins are probably much more carcinogenic than chlorinated trisphosphates used in flame retardants, and mother nature does just fine producing those on her own, often in our houses, and often in our pantries.

That's one thousandth of the lethality of ricin, one fortieth of the lethality of sarin, half the lethality of sodium cyanide, one two-hundredth the lethality of alpha-amanitin, one fourth of the lethality of nicotine, roughly the same immediate lethality as hydrazine, methamphetamine, tetraethyllead, or aflatoxin B1, and only eight times as lethal as caffeine.

If you buy a frozen pizza and it tastes terrible, should you continue buying and eating them for a week until you have enough data points?If a single sample of corn in a shipment is contaminated with aflatoxin should you keep testing it and trying to find the good corn?If a program corrupts your data on first use should you keep trying it on different data before rejecting it?

Sorbitol is not a preservative, your juices probably had sorbic acid which is used as an anti-fungal, but for a good reason:I grew up in a region where historically the rates of liver cancer were much higher than the national average: The summers there are long and extremely humid, perfect breeding conditions for mildrew in the food supply and people are constantly exposed to aflatoxin, a Group 1 carcinogen[1].

Aflatoxin definitions


a potent carcinogen from the fungus Aspergillus; can be produced and stored for use as a bioweapon