Ingest in a sentence as a verb

Ok who wants to ingest this new formulation to be the guinea pig?

On days in which you workout a lot, you can ingest a few hundred kcalories more.

" The problem with Pu is that if you ingest it, it stays in your body so you can get enough radiation over time to cause cancer.

Except there is still gyromitrin in the mushroom, just in small enough quantities that you're ok as long as you don't ingest too much.

And if a computational system went there, itd find just what it needs to ingest the data, and begin computing with it.

A reclassification would enable more research, more research would lead to easier ways to ingest it.

I do, however, make sure that I do not ingest too much saturated fat ... and there are too many more details to my diet to discuss here.

I don't ingest web applications and startups as the raw source of energy required to sustain my basic bodily functions.

Maybe, given 10 hours, you couldn't ingest a tutorial and put your own spin on the concept, but thinking that nobody else could do that is a bit arrogant.

The convenience of tools and the development of technology have put bottles on our meal tables to consume at the same time we ingest solid food.

However, for something more akin to a tutorial, having in depth line by line breakdown in a easy to ingest manner is very nice as a concept.

That goal of exploring allows them to ingest new concepts, and then when they try to do something with the technology some of those 'learn the game' concepts will already be in their brain.

This paper, incidentally, has the greatest opening paragraph of all time:"In the tropical forests of New Guinea the Etoro believe that for a boy to achieve manhood he must ingest the semen of his elders.

I'm not even a smoker but if somebody wants to consume/ingest all kinds of substances I don't lay any claims to his digestive track or blood stream and it's really his business to destroy himself if he so wishes, at any rate he pleases.

Ingest definitions


serve oneself to, or consume regularly; "Have another bowl of chicken soup!"; "I don't take sugar in my coffee"

See also: consume take have


take up mentally; "he absorbed the knowledge or beliefs of his tribe"

See also: absorb assimilate