Adolescence in a sentence as a noun

Computer Science is still in adolescence. You will still meet legends.

What we're left with are a bunch of suits trying to bro-it-up with a startup until they finally surrender the last of their adolescence and go back to working for someone else. and...

That straight white male programmer who has struggled with mental illness since adolescence? He's on nightmare difficulty too.

This is just a guess, but could it be that some geeks are awkward around women because females weren't nice to them during their adolescence? Sex hormone levels peak at around age 17 for men, senior year of high school.

I happen to live in SV, but not because it's SV. I live here because it's home for me, and home to the friends I've known since childhood and adolescence seem to keep hanging around here along with me. I am lucky to have the best of both worlds right now.

It isn't until our most insecure moments of adolescence that we really start sweating enough to require deodorants. What better time to strike at insecurities to sell a product for life?

I would argue that females already have a leg up on their male counterparts with the fact that they mature earlier during adolescence and perhaps use this to their advantage. As the article mentions, other ways exist to exhibit leadership.

Yup > During my adolescence I found the anarchist cookbook. I used to read through it, fascinated with its ideology, and sometimes building various explosives and weapons.

Interesting bit from the article: "The height of my porn watching was my adolescence -- high school -- when each relationship felt like a splintering slat on a long rickety bridge. Porn didn't just serve as an outlet for my sexual frustration; it was a steadying beam to fall back on."

During my adolescence I found the anarchist cookbook. I used to read through it, fascinated with its ideology, and sometimes building various explosives and weapons.

One of the major lessons of my adolescence was that the ability to translocate from nothing to a much further away nothing is a dubious sort of freedom.

No reasonable, rational individual who is just "acting out" in adolescence takes it to these levels. As much as I feel for the OP he should have taken legal action and had the youth examined by a credible mental health professional if only as a favor to others.

The prototypical male programmer was extremely nerdy in adolescence, had minimal interaction with women, and sex life - forget it. Now they are working in a job where they can just do what they like - program - and a woman comes along with all those pheremones and everything.

Prolonged adolescence, in the right circumstances, is actually a good thing, for it fosters novelty-seeking and the acquisition of new skills. My first thought was "how sad that the march to adulthood is associated with the loss of imagination and experimentation."

He doesn't change, nothing changes, he just figures out some way to prolong his adolescence for a while longer. The much better alternative is to just realize that a life well-lived continually pushes you outside your comfort zone, and the best skill you can acquire is to figure out how to roll with the punches and figure out new ways to be happy when the old ones aren't practical anymore.

But Sturgeon's Law applies, with the added characteristic that the 90% case is almost indistinguishable and frozen in time; and at adolescence. Sure the technology is getting better; we've got better reproduction and the distribution system is no longer random mafioso magazine distribution.

If you think working for Lockheed is evil, what do you think of working for a company like Facebook, that profits from selling the personal data of teenagers to companies who take advantage of their adolescence to peddle overpriced products to them that they don't need and that their parents can't really afford? I'm not saying Facebook is evil, but let's face it the world is a lot more morally complex than the self-righteous want to make it out to be.

Perhaps the real difference between adolescence and that kind of adulthood is the fact that adult craziness is mainstream and socially sanctioned, so it's not seen as crazy, while teen angst is considered proof of immaturity because it's not 'responsibly' frightened like adults are.

Adolescence definitions


the time period between the beginning of puberty and adulthood


in the state that someone is in between puberty and adulthood