Adapt in a sentence as a verb

This don't work so hot, but like most things, you can adapt to it over time.

You can, as the US Marines put it, improvise, adapt, and overcome [2].

In the broader market, lawyers want your business and will adapt as needed to get it.

If the content industry wishes to persist in this new reality, it will have to adapt to it.

But it is an encouraging sign that courts are able to adapt to the times and is thus a highly positive development.

"In terms of heuristics, fraudsters adapt rapidly to whatever counter-measures you use.

Giant defense contractors haul in green IT graduates by the truckload and adapt them to jobs that command significant premiums on the private market.

The best approach is to evaluate hundreds of different signals, using a machine learning algorithm to constantly adapt to changing fraud patterns.

The providers of those services who remain stuck in old ways will need to adapt to the short-term problems but they obviously hope to keep the old structures in place in hopes that the good old days will return.

I think once you spend enough time in the valley, you see how many hacks are trying to "change the world" right until their startup is about to fail and then they adapt the exact same behaviors they were trying to disrupt.

Do they have the necessary foundation to do not just the job they'll be starting on but to grow with the organization, adapt and perhaps work on other projects?The other problem I have is the "war stories" aspect.

Two centuries later, Japan and then Korea developed by adapting American manufacturing, raising the quality and lowering costs.

The above cycle was allowed to complete, the people in charge usually didn't even ask, and in a month when they asked me to adapt my work to include the marvelous thing the ultrasound lab had come up with I could just say "Okay!

I noticed several things about the matlab culture:- In academia, people really do not seem to give a **** about using the right tool for the job. I used to try to explain to the people in my lab why their software was crashing, why it took four days to finish running, or why it would be easier to write new code than try to adapt the code written by the undergrad from 5 terms ago.

"The rest of the article explains the author's psychopathy the way the author wants you to view it: As "a highly trained perception, ability to adapt, and a lack of judgment borne of pragmatic and flexible moral reasoning.

Keep in mind that most Enterprise SW contracts have customers paying yearly maintenance charges that are 20% of the original license cost and sometimes more...The thing to understand in selling into this market is you need to adapt your "logical" marketing and sales strategy to the way enterprises buy. I say adapt b/c you can't make or help a dysfunctional buyer behave differently.

Adapt definitions


make fit for, or change to suit a new purpose; "Adapt our native cuisine to the available food resources of the new country"

See also: accommodate


adapt or conform oneself to new or different conditions; "We must adjust to the bad economic situation"

See also: adjust conform