Persist in a sentence as a verb

Redis is an in memory but persistent on disk data store.

If the content industry wishes to persist in this new reality, it will have to adapt to it.

They have the resources to stop making stupid mistakes, but still persist in their bad behavior.

Checking: "Check for server certificate revocation" does not persist.

It's astonishing that they persist with the robotic language in their clarification.

I'm really genuinely bothered when I hear about guys that persist in thinking that this sort of presentation is cool or appropriate.

If the counter offer is exactly what you want and you take it, there will be some soreness and a passive-aggressive attitude that will persist.

The scariest dystopias are not hideous hellscapes where nobody would want to live, as those tend to self-destruct or at best persist in tiny enclaves and never catch on. Who would want to emulate North Korea?

Those crazy entrepreneurs who persist and grow "organically.

"In the weeks and months following Demo Day, those few who fail to attract enough interest must decide whether to begin a new company, find employment at Google or Facebook or persist and grow organically an unsightly word in the valley of silicon."Really?

Persist definitions


continue to exist; "These stories die hard"; "The legend of Elvis endures"

See also: prevail endure


be persistent, refuse to stop; "he persisted to call me every night"; "The child persisted and kept asking questions"

See also: persevere


stay behind; "The smell stayed in the room"; "The hostility remained long after they made up"

See also: remain stay