Activating in a sentence as a noun

That's like GM saying, oh we've detected your car comes with OnStar and are activating the OnStar plan. If you don't like it, you're more than free to sell your car.

If we had even tens of thousands of users activating, that would be a bit expensive. Hope that explains things.

"With this purchase, you will be activating your VIP membership" is in the sidebar. It's at body-copy writing, and you have to go looking for it.

On early Macbook webcams it was electrically impossible to turn on the webcam without activating the light next to it. I'll see if I can find a source.

See, the ISP remotely upgraded all routers, activating the adblocker by default. You say "optional", but I'm not even sure there is an "opt-out".

How much effort did it take between bidding, paying and activating compared to the effort that most people are willing to put into getting a new phone? I don't think Android is going to be a failure -- the phones will always be around.

Activating in a sentence as an adjective

And there's Android, out activating the iPhone three to one. Apparently those Android phones are either made out of cardboard, or the manufacturers found components.

If you look on the right side in pretty small grey text it says that you're activating your VIP membership. You have to read down several paragraphs to figure out what they're trying to get away with, and nowhere does it actually say in clear terms "we will charge you every month."

If you're on the coast helping deal with the tsunami damage like them and then a nuclear disaster starts, setting it up & activating it seems like a priority task.

Today, stronger magnetic fields are coming closer more often, risking activating a "safe/master mode", and there's not much way to alert anyone to the condition. To address a few other points: Yes, any small but strong magnets like the magsafe plug are a possible problem.

All parts of the company will contribute to activating high-value experiences for our customers. High value experience is euphemism for gatekeeper from what I have seen.

The person helping me had a little trouble activating it, so he called AT&T support and got help so quickly without being asked stupid questions, I've been using his technique ever since. Whenever I call tech support of a company that has physical locations, I always start with: "Hello, my name is Kevin, I'm an associate with [company] at the [store] location.

Activating definitions


the activity of causing to have energy and be active

See also: energizing activation


causing motion or action or change