Activation in a sentence as a noun

120 quid if you want a permanent activation.

Put simply, the UI is set to have VIP membership activation default to ON.

In addition, bombs cause neutron activation in the environment and create a mushroom cloud that lifts fallout into the stratosphere.

So without some heavy analysis, you end up keeping your local variables in an activation frame object on the heap, and at that point you're toast.

As I understand it, they've built a version that doesn't require activation and takes a special serial number, so they can phase out the CS2 activation servers.

Then, they gave subjects real-time feedback about their brain activation while they performed a superficially different task.

Messaging, clickthrough, A/B testing, new users/activation/retention/revenue/virality by channel.

Essentially they receive confirmation messages for mobile payments to a particular number and we wrote an Android app that generates a unique activation code and sends it back to the payer.

Activation definitions


stimulation of activity in an organism or chemical


the activity of causing to have energy and be active

See also: energizing activating


making active and effective (as a bomb)