Acquirement in a sentence as a noun

Same here, hopefully it's not a pre-acquirement move and instead be more aligned in the future like you said.

Id=stanleydrew But I would say "core Google" is safe, it's just that Google investements/acquirement doesn't really mean any safety per se.

I've been a huge fan of Nate Silver since forever, and I must say, I really regret his "acquirement" by NY Times. When it was his own website, it was a much more user-friendly experience.

Perhaps they were even in breach of some guidelines legal had drawn up, or even laws or statutes on acquirement. And it sounds like the product automated a good, sound process.

I read once a thought that sums up genius, intelligence and skill acquirement well I think, and you probably also think the same- along the lines of: "IQ, talent, and circumstance define your upper bound. Hard work gets you there."

An analogy: To protect data from potential acquirement by the US government, EU should shut out Google from Europe? This doesn't make sense and is completely political.

When I hear people in Poland use that word, I'd maybe translate it as "organise" or "arrange", but only in the sense of arranging the acquirement of something.

True, most big acquirements go for two or three big IT providers, but let's face it - how many big IT companies Finland can hold which have the men power available to provide big systems and long term support? And for the record, I do not work for any of those three.

Thats fine but I think many are misinterpreting what occurs upon acquirement of a company. The assets get broken up and each asset is analyzed to decipher how it should be put to use or disposed of for the company.

Chess is a mere amusement of a very inferior character, which robs the mind of valuable time that might be devoted to nobler acquirements, while at the same time it affords no benefit whatsoever to the body. Oh, if they knew the kinds of things we spent our time on now...

I thought that actual revenue is actively frowned upon because it's just an obstacle when you hype up the acquirement price tag. I guess Foursquare could actually serve as an example supporting the validity of that insane strategy...

We answer, chess is a mere amusement of a very inferior character, which robs the mind of valuable time that might be devoted to nobler acquirements, while it affords no benefit whatever to the body

For example, see some arguments against women suffrage from just over a hundred years ago [1]: > Because the acquirement of the Parliamentary vote would logically involve admission to Parliament itself, and to all Government offices. It is scarcely possible to imagine a woman being Minister for War, and yet the principles of the Suffragettes involve that and many similar absurdities.

That is to say, employers would rely more on real signals rather than the nominal signals emitted from credentials and licensing that do not account for time and skills corrected after their acquirement, and don't suffer from disequilibrium caused by poorly thought out credential requirements.

Business models of the companies with over $240k ARR: - outsourcing to humans - asset acquirement leverage - education - outsourcing to ai - event organizing - adding a missing feature to a platform - internet marketing saas - copied a website and added a missing feature - micro feedback as a service Copying a website and adding a feature is great for someone who spends their time becoming a better software craftsperson. Micro feedback as a service is a fascinating market I had never considered.

“One man's life or death were but a small price to pay for the acquirement of the knowledge which I sought, for the dominion I should acquire and transmit over the elemental foes of our race.” - Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein I would hope science has evolved were we could devise a test without having to resort to such a method.

Acquirement definitions


an ability that has been acquired by training

See also: skill accomplishment acquisition attainment